A late ice out started the Bow Narrows 2019 season, but we were still able to boat in the first guests. To get things rolling, Brian and some of the staff flew into camp on a float plane. The winter was a little rough on camp, but regardless, soon all was up and running. 

Many guests enjoyed the camaraderie and fishing at camp in 2019. “I caught the biggest fish ever” was heard. The fish were a challenge at times but that is how fishing is, and the reward is all the sweeter when you reel that biggee in. 

We celebrated a 9th and a 70th birthday as well as a few in between, and honored a 47th wedding anniversary. Oh and we even had a marriage proposal! A new wood floor was installed in the lodge’s dining room, and cabin #8.5 was built. 

Guests travelled to camp from Ohio, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona, Wisconsin, Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, California, Nevada, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Tennessee and more. They came from other regions of Ontario and also British Columbia, Canada. Several even travelled from France. Destination Bow Narrows…by car or plane…and then finally that scenic boat ride out to camp.

Enjoy the Best of 2019 show, compliments of our talented and loyal Bow Narrows guests. This is the camp, lake and wildlife through their eyes, and it’s beautiful.