Back on the prairie here in Kansas, life has settled into its routine of school, activities, house remodeling, and more. Plus we enjoy hearing from you, our guests. You are in our thoughts even back in the states as we reminisce on the good times of the 2018 season. I cook for family and friends and wonder if the guests would like this. Frequently we talk about the ways to make our camp the best that it can be for everyone.

And we’re guessing that camp is in your mind through the winter as well. Call us and talk about your favorite catch or nature sighting of the year. Or email us and do the same. It all keeps us connected to the place we love even when we can’t be up there.

As you ponder your 2018 visit to Bow Narrows Camp, gather up your favorite photos from this past season. If you haven’t already, email them along to us. Already ideas are forming for the best of Bow Narrows Camp 2018 video. Can’t wait to put that ‘show’ together and see you all again!