Years ago, my mom and her sister located their relatives in the Alsace-Lorraine region of France. When they went to France to meet them, they were treated to an incredible, grand-celebration meal. A few years after this, when my sister Mary and family moved to that area in Strasbourg, my cousin Connie and I decided it was an excellent time to visit them. As soon as we arrived, we had instant family. And though we mostly didn’t speak the same language, it was the mealtime that had us feeling the family bond with these relatives we barely knew.

From the kitchen of Bow Narrows Camp

There is definitely some binding magic to having meals together. And they can complete the fishing experience at camp as well. We enjoy having our guests dine with us, and hearing conversation and laughter at that time is music to our ears. Where were the best catches of the day? What wildlife was spotted along the way? How was the weather? Some come for every meal during their stay, and some just want to enjoy a few meals with us…a flex-meal option.

This year at Bow Narrows Camp we decided to offer a complementary Saturday and Sunday lunch upon arrival, whether American Plan or Housekeeping guests. We look forward to that extra meal with you. If you aren’t already enjoying our American Plan meals, it’s your chance to give us a try. Sit down and let us do the cooking. It’s truly our pleasure to serve you.

~ Joanne