Yesterday’s sunrise showing off for our fall anglers

It’s hard to believe that Labor Day has come and gone, and another season at Bow Narrows Camp is winding down. And going out with glory as you can see in the photo above! Those of you who have already been to camp this year, know it was a different year for fishing. A relatively late Spring ice-out, coupled with a persistent north/northeast wind for several weeks following, likely changed the pattern for the entire year. Yet at the same time, we heard people say they caught the biggest fish of their lives! So while their numbers might not have been huge, it seems like quality came before quantity this year. But no matter what each season brings with the fishing, the families and friends enjoying each other’s company while at camp is consistently excellent…and great fun for us as well!

In August, we started building a new cabin, #8-1/2, in reference to its location between cabins 8 and 9. The walls are up, the roof is on and it’s looking great! We are excited to get this cabin up and running for use in 2020. If the weather holds out, that should become a reality. We will post a few photos soon!