The past week at camp has been productive for Brian. Work resumed on finishing cabin 8.5 and now that Dan and Brenda have arrived across the channel, there are finally some neighbors for him. Camp is still quiet though since the border closure has now been extended to August 21. As before, anyone with reservations through that date will be automatically moved to the same week in 2021.

But the quiet has been broken a few times by storms over Red Lake and camp. Here is a dramatic photo taken by Brian of one of those storms brewing in front of camp, looking toward Trout Bay. Dramatic, beautiful, and even concerning at times describes a Red Lake thunderstorm. The weather in general was hot for about a week and then has cooled down and now is in the 70s during the daytime. Beautiful evenings have been the reward for a busy day of work.

The quiet of Red Lake is broken by a storm moving in. Amazing how nature mirrors life sometimes!

Brian has taken a few jaunts out onto the lake to see what fish he can find. He’s hooked some chunky walleye as well as a really big mystery fish that got away. An eater-sized walleye made a good supper one evening.