If a tree falls in camp when no one is here, does it still make a sound? Will the wild animals visit while we are gone and reclaim what is theirs for a few months until we return? And what will the squirrel think when Niko doesn’t answer his call until it scampers into its winter retreat? What will it look like here with a thick layer of snow?
These are questions in our minds as we prepare camp to close down for the winter. We look forward to visiting our friends and family in the states, but will certainly miss being here on the lake in the wilderness. And we definitely will miss visiting with the guests who came to camp this first season.

Alyssa releases a lake trout after the spawn. This was a male that started life through the trout project, grew at the hatchery, and was released into Red Lake as a fingerling. His survival is a positive sign that the Trout Project is working. The MNR also caught first-time spawners without clipped fins which is a great sign of the natural regeneration of the lake trout as well.
The final send-off for us and this first season was the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Lake Trout Project. We have had the chance for several weeks to host the MNR here at Bow Narrows as they help replenish the lake’s trout numbers. Through all types of wind and rain, the MNR’s dedicated workers netted lake trout for spawning and showed us a part of what goes on usually down under the water in the life cycle of the trout. But this time, it was happening right here next to our dock where we could look on in amazement as they spawned these fish. The trout are beautiful, full of life, and so worth the efforts of the incredible people who have helped keep the trout here forever.
We were happy and excited to run this special place when we became the owners of Bow Narrows Camp. But it has really been so much more. So thank you to the world’s greatest guests for a tremendously rewarding first season. It has been a pleasure to host you all. See you up north in 2018!
My wife and I were lucky a few years ago to participate in the Ministry Lake Trout Project while staying at Bow Narrows. It was an amazing experience and we both were really glad we took some time off from our fishing to participate. If you have a chance to help, I highly recommend it. Very rewarding!
See you next year,
Tom Talarico
See you next year!!!
We really enjoyed our stay this summer and are looking forward to next year. Hope to see you this winter.