It’s Halloween and camp is now officially bundled up and put to sleep for the winter! So be sure to use our winter phone number of 316-308-3190 to reach us. 

We don’t get any trick or treaters out here in the country, but they better bundle up tonight! It has been windy and below freezing for the past few nights. Snow is on the ground in Wichita this morning but then the weather report is predicting a warm-up to 50°F today. 

Anyone dressing up as a walleye today? A lake trout? Or something really scary like a ling? I have this theory that you can make most costumes with a base of a good sweat suit. May have to try for one of our fish friends next year. 

One of our human, Wichita friends snapped a particularly Bow Narrows-ish Halloween photo this morning…check it out! Have a fun and safe Halloween!


photo compliments of Elizabeth Richards