Greetings everyone! After focusing on our guests while learning the intricosies of running the camp (along with spotty internet service), we are finally back to the blog! Sorry to have been away for so long! Our guests have continued to be great and so has the fishing. The most notable local event was a hail storm that hit camp and town in July producing hail nearly the size of my fist…which in turn reaped havoc with everyone’s vehicles in town. Other than a downed tree at camp, there was no further damage here. If you search “Red Lake ON Hail,” you will find details about the storm.

As for the fishing report, the channel here at camp has been consistently producing walleye in the morning and evening as the fish are in their late summer pattern. The biggest walleye this year for dock-fishermen is 27″. The other night I caught a red horse sucker in addition to a half dozen eater ‘eyes’. As of late, the pike fishing appears to be in a lull, which has me wondering if it is the calm before the storm of feeding fish. Here is a photo from the summer.


Jason Williams above with his 38-inch pike